2009/3/28 Toni Mueller <supp...@oeko.net>:
> Hello,
> while trying to read the wiki, I _often_ get permission denied. Eg.
> here:
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Boot
> Go to the lower half of that page, and click on "Boot from microSD".
> The link is
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/index.php?title=Boot_from_sd_card&action=edit
> which I take as meaning that the target page has been removed. I saw
> such a page recently, though I can't say whether it was this, or
> another page.
> Similar things actually happen all over the place. :-(
> Kind regards,
> --Toni++
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Thank you for pointing this out! I have created a redirect page
linking to "Booting from SD", which is the correct title. The link
should work now.


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