Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> Fox Mulder <quakem...@gmx.net> writes:
>> i wonder which kernel is the "best" or lets say the most stable and
>> working für debian at the moment. Since i upgraded from the last 2.6.24
>> kernels to the 2.6.28/29 i have more problems than benefits. :/
> I have tested andy-tracking b8b36e5ec3db71d for a long time and it
> seems to be quite stable.
>> The really big improvment from 2.6.24->2.6.28/29 is that the standby
>> time has improved really much. With this i can firstly carry the phone
> What's the contents of the current_now file in /sys in both cases
> immediately after resume?
I added a script in /etc/apm/scripts which logs the current before and
after resume. With kernel andy-tracking 1e257a0e99817a33 it shows 126mA
right after resume. But this seems really high because my fr only uses
49mA when idle with backlight turned off and ~113mA idle with backlight
on (60%). So i don't think that this current is helpful at all.
And which other case do you mean with "both" cases?

>> problem is that after suspend the backlight mechanism doesn't recognize
>> a touch on the screen anymore. Therefor after it dims and gets dark it
> That sounds really really odd. Can you reproduce this without having
> frameworkd running (it tries to control backlight too)?
Today i updated all packages in debian (quite a lot) and after reboot
the "backlight not responding" problem doesn't happen after
suspend/resume. So i can't reproduce this problem anymore at the moment.

> Which X server are you running?
I use xserver-xglamo because only with this xrandr is working.

>> Another problem is that the memory consumption on debian is much higher
>> and the system responsiveness is much slower than before. But this could
>> also be a problem of other system components which are updated on a
>> regular basis.
> ps -eorss,cmd | sort -n?
Please see attachment.

Any idea why wlan isn't working anymore?

Because if the backlight problem doesn't appear anymore my main problem
is only the non working wlan. Not only dhcp is not working. When i add
an ip by hand it also doesn't work.

But "iwlist eth0 scan" shows my wlan access-point and after "ifup eth0"
(with no dhcp answer) the command "iwconfig eth0" shows that i should be
connected to my AP. Interesting is that iwconfig shows link quality
0/94, signal level -95dBm and noise level 0dBm. But when i do a "iwlist
eth0 scan" it shows link quality 24/94, signal level -69dBm and noise
level -95dBm for my wlan. These differences in signal quality looks
quite strange to me.

Another mysterious thing is that the wlan connection seems to be
oscillating. When i look at the wlan status page of my AP (dd-wrt linux)
i can see that the wlan client (my fr) is connected for a few seconds
and than disappears in the client list. After a few seconds it appears
and then disappears again and this repeats after a few seconds all the
time i have wlan activated on my fr. I don't think that the problem is
my AP because i got another pc connected to it with a stable connection
and dhcp working.

    0 [aio/0]
    0 [btaddconn]
    0 [btdelconn]
    0 [events/0]
    0 [glamo-spi-gpio.]
    0 [hid_compat]
    0 [kapmd]
    0 [kblockd/0]
    0 [khelper]
    0 [khubd]
    0 [kjournald]
    0 [kmmcd]
    0 [krfcommd]
    0 [kseriod]
    0 [ksoftirqd/0]
    0 [ksuspend_usbd]
    0 [kswapd0]
    0 [kthreadd]
    0 [mmcqd]
    0 [mtdblockd]
    0 [pdflush]
    0 [pdflush]
    0 [spi_s3c24xx_gpi]
    0 [watchdog/0]
  264 /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session 
  412 /usr/sbin/apmd -P /etc/apm/apmd_proxy --proxy-timeout 30
  432 /usr/sbin/sshd
  448 /sbin/getty 38400 tty1
  448 /usr/bin/speech-dispatcher
  484 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /root/.xsession
  580 init [2]  
  604 /usr/bin/xinit /etc/X11/Xsession -- vt4 -nolisten tcp -dpi 96
  656 udevd --daemon
  668 /usr/sbin/cron
  672 /bin/su --login --command /usr/bin/xinit /etc/X11/Xsession -- vt4 
-nolisten tcp -dpi 96 root
  672 /usr/sbin/syslog-ng -p /var/run/syslog-ng.pid
  676 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
  712 sort -n
  736 /bin/sh /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc -- /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc
  820 ps -eorss,cmd
  896 hald-runner
  948 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system
  972 hald-addon-input: Listening on /dev/input/event1 /dev/input/event0 
 1008 /usr/sbin/hcid -x -s
 1392 /usr/sbin/fso-gpsd -S localhost gpsd -P /var/run/fso-gpsd.pid
 1848 /usr/sbin/hald
 1976 bash
 2388 /usr/bin/matchbox-keyboard
 3308 xterm
 4752 Thunar --sm-client-id 117f000001000123366116600000014070002 --daemon
socket_id 18874422 name systemload id 12194331342 display_name Systemauslastung 
size 36 screen_position 11
 5296 xfce-mcs-manager
 6096 X :0 vt4 -nolisten tcp -dpi 96
 6524 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/frameworkd
 7384 /usr/bin/xfce4-session
13160 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/openmoko-panel-plugin
13980 xfwm4 --sm-client-id 117f000001000123366116000000014070000 --display :0.0
15076 /usr/lib/xfce4/panel-plugins/xfce4-menu-plugin socket_id 18874410 name 
xfce4-menu id 5 display_name Xfce-Menü size 36 screen_position 11
15212 xfce4-panel --sm-client-id 117f000001000123366116200000014070001 
--display :0.0
15332 /usr/lib/xfce4/panel-plugins/xfce4-mixer-plugin socket_id 18874423 name 
xfce4-mixer id 12223404700 display_name Lautstärkenregler size 36 
screen_position 11
16768 xfdesktop --sm-client-id 117f000001000123366118000000014070003 --display 
22068 /usr/lib/notification-daemon-xfce/notification-daemon-xfce
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