On Sun, 12 Apr 2009 14:05:53 +0200
Olivier Berger <ober...@ouvaton.org> wrote:

> Franky Van Liedekerke <liede...@telenet.be> writes:
> > Just in time for the holidays ...
> >
> > (install instructions and script updated on 2090410: see below)
> >
> Maybe you should add more bits of context to these emails, like
> explaining what you document here ? ... Are these instructions to
> install one particular piece of a distro that would be "latest and
> greatest" ? Doesn't sount so much clear for most people I suppose.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,

Hmm ... sorry, everything I documented here was for the QtExtended
distribution. It shows the list of problems that were found and solved
and some remaining concerns. I don't think I need to explain
QtExtended :-)
The install script has some install instructions/comments at the top of
it as well, more in general about which kernel/rootfs one can use for
testing purposes.
Maybe I should cook up a webpage, but I don't want to add to the list
of standalone pages, so I give everything back to the
QtExtendedImproved site (that one, and the one for 2.6.28) and poke
them more than enough to integrate the changes back mainstream.
What I provide is a way to install/test the latest improvements so
people can enjoy them or give comments.


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