Am Mo  13. April 2009 schrieb Rask Ingemann Lambertsen:
> On Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 05:14:03PM +0100, Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> > You can't patch 
> > a ready-done 8layer PCB, no matter what your document files are (sw POV on 
> > hw!).
>    Actually, it would be useful to know which signals are available from a
> trace on the surface. With "only" the schematics and component placement
> available, you're pretty much out of luck unless the signal happens to be
> available at a test point, resistor, capacitor or some other component with
> exposed terminals. The Big-C buzz fix is an example of a mod which makes use
> of a surface trace.

Not exactly. As virtually all you got on "surface traces" is GND, nothing 
else. So buzzfix is using GND and component contacts only. And there's not 
very much to know about this topic. Otherwise I would have published it.


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