the SMS are in the sqllite database too?

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Franky Van Liedekerke
<> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Fabio Locati <> wrote:
>> How can I backup my SMS and my Contact list? is possible to export
>> them in a CSV file, or in some other kind of portable file? (sql or
>> something similar)
>> Thank you
>> --
>> Fabio A Locati
> according to me they are already in a sqllite database (location in
> /home/root I believe)
> But for contacts: you can go to your contacts and select "send all as
> VCF" or something alike, I did this via mail, so the app created a VCF
> file and sended it via mail to me (don't forget to first configure
> your mail and send a testmail). Send via bluetooth should work as well
> (remember the restrictions: only on first boot bluetooth works ok in a
> 2.6.28 kernel, not after suspend).
> For the SMS's, I don't know if an export is available, haven't looked at it 
> yet.
> Franky
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Fabio A Locati

Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
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