KaZeR wrote:
> Helge Hafting wrote:
>> Configurability is nice, but how about having "Desktop Simple Lock" set 
>> up as default in the shipped image? Unless SHR is planning another 
>> default use for the AUX button, that is.
>> Helge Hafting
> I second that. It was the default behavior until recently, and it was very
> convenient. 
> One could then extend the use of the aux button with siglaunchd (like
> rotating the screen, i like the idea).

Here's the script for siglaunchd :
 # First, guess if we already are rotated
 xrandr |grep "default connected 480x640+0+0 (normal left inverted right x
axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm" > /dev/null
 if [[ $IS_ROTATED -gt 0 ]]; then
        #Switch back to default mode
        xrandr -o 0
        #Switch to rotated mode
        xrandr -o 1

And the siglaunchd rule (amazing tool, btw) :


Now, short press lock screen, 1s press rotate the screen. Useful to quickly
switch to landscape mode for navit for example. 

I tried omrotate in the past, but i didn't like auto-rotation. If the phone
was started in a position where it should be rotated, display was borked
until reboot.

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