Fernando Martins wrote:

>Laura Vance wrote:
>>If it truly can't seem to connect, I 
>>learned today that I can switch the GSM radio off and back on to have it 
>>re-initialize and acquire signal properly.
>How do you switch it on/off manually?
>I don't think I have a contact problem. I only got the ophonekit message 
>on a second boot after flashing FR and in the last two days it is 
>working as usual.
>Regarding the contacts problem, if you open fr frequently maybe there is 
>a chance for dirt to compromise the contacts. Alternatively, maybe with 
>frequent removal of battery/SIM, the "holding" system might get loose? 
>Maybe put a piece of paper in the right place to increase pressure?
I'm using SHR-testing from April 23rd.  In the Settings app, go to the 
Phone section, and there is a GSM on/off slider at the top.

My SIM contact issue started from the day I got my phone.  My original 
SIM didn't work, so I left it in my old phone until I could research 
which SIM I needed.  Once I knew, I went to the AT&T store and got my 
new SIM, which worked immediately.  I was restarting my phone fairly 
often with new distributions, and the SHR distro seemed to be the only 
one that had the problem.  It wouldn't register, so I'd reboot again and 
again, then I'd shut it down, re-seat the SIM card, and boot again... 
this time it found the network with no problem.  That pattern repeated 
every time I had to restart my FR.

Then recently I started thinking a little more about the problem, and I 
can always get "SOS Only" mode, so I started thinking maybe it's that 
the SIM isn't registering before the GSM daemon times out.  I never 
tried to restart the GSM antenna before this version of SHR, so I don't 
know if previous versions have the same slider.


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