On Tuesday 05 May 2009 13:19:53 Robin Paulson wrote:
> 2009/5/5 Christian Gagneraud <cgagner...@techworks.ie>:
> > Yeah, why not! :) I never went to the deep jungle, but i like to make
> > trips in the wild, with just my bike and my tent, and the solar
> > charger is the only solution to keep my GPS up and running for several
> > days/weeks.
> or a hand-crank charger
> imo, this is a more reliable way of charging the battery - it'll work
> anywhere (in a building, underground, when it's raining), anytime
> (night) and is going to produce a bigger current than this size of
> solar panel
> does anyone know of any decent crank chargers that will output over usb?
Some wind-up torches can charge mobile phones, I've emailed one place to see 
if they can tell me what power theirs can output but no reply yet.


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