2009/5/8 Daniel.Li <lida_m...@163.com>:
> On Thu, 2009-05-07 at 15:02 +0200, pam dirac wrote:
>> try this
>> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Yaouh!
> There is only one item for update "OSM", how to config this program to
> update Google Maps?

that wasn't an overly helpful link. yaouh is for updating tiles you
already have on your system. if there are no tiles there, it won't
update anything. it's more for osm, where the tiles change in some
areas by the day. in one area, google's rarely change in the space of
a year.

you need to select the google repository in 'config', then drag the
map around to download tiles. as noted though, if you abuse the
system, you will be black-listed although only for a limited time i
believe. i also hear a given ip is allowed to download a limited
number of tiles not through the api, before access is cut. the figure
i was quoted was 1000. ymmv

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