On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 05:14:01PM -0400, Warren Baird wrote:
> I'm afraid my experience with TR4 wasn't that great. I installed it Friday
> night, and played with it enough to make sure that I could make and receive
> calls.   I must admit that after using QtE it was nice to be able to install
> software like a pdf reader and mokomaze.
> However, The first real call I got was from my wife heading over to the park
> with our daughter.  I heard the ringing, and the phone seemed to wake up
> from suspend quickly (which puts it ahead of my experience from OM2008), but
> when I pressed the answer button nothing happened.   I had been running
> omrotatenew, and I've noticed that it sometimes screws up the touch screen
> calibration, so I don't know if this is actually a TR4 problem, or an issue
> with the rotation.
> However, once I missed the call, I figured I'd use the call log to call her
> back, so I went to the call log and clicked on the entry.   It took me to an
> empty dialer window - without a number entered.     Since I know her number
> I just typed it in, and clicked on the 'call' button.   Nothing happened.
> I clicked on the 'back button' - also nothing.   I used the illume menu to
> take me to the main paroli windows, but couldn't make anything work there
> either.  I ended up rebooting.
> After the reboot, I still couldn't get dialing to work, so I rebooted again,
> and then was able to call my wife --- total time elapsed to make the call
> was probably 20 minutes.   When I did get ahold of her, she said that she
> could barely understand me, since the audio was quite distorted - she
> sounded fine to me, and probably a bit louder than I get with QtE.
> I might give TR4 another try without omreotatenew running and see if it's
> any more reliable that way...

Pretty sure omnewrotate ain't the problem, I've run into that before installing

Right now I suspend manually in order to check it's working, but it seems
to be triggered by missed calls.


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