Am Mo  25. Mai 2009 schrieb The Digital Pioneer:
> Hey, after this latest bout of upgrades in SHR-Unstable, the battery applet
> up at the top is broken. It says I have a 32% charge with an estimated time
> remaining of 13 hours and 28 minutes. That's wrong, and if I look in the
> power section of SHR settings, it says I have 96% remaining with about 4
> hours left. That sounds a whole lot more likely. I've rebooted several times
> and run depmod -a and ldconfig, just stabbing in the dark, but neither had
> an effect.

check [illume-wrench]-[advanced]-[battery meter]-[>advanced]-[hardware]

try internal. HAL is finding 3 "batteries" which 2 of them are always empty, 
so charge of bat is always a third of correct value ((100% + 0% + 0%) / 3) 


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