Hi thank you for testing , glad you liked this toy

Some users reported that on some distro (OM2009)
it cant start because /dev/dsp is busy... how comes ? something
changes on ESD ?
any hints welcome... I just comited upstream ...

Also any of you tested it on Qtopia based distro ?

To be continued at :

Now , Some comments

==== about nokia + maemo ===

I think there are a couple of neat software to be ported from/to maemo
maybe a cooperation team would be appreciated ...

BTW, did you check that Nokia is about to release a TRUE linux Phone :

I Will post something neat soon ... be patient

=== about boxar ===


I am sure sound lag can be tuned, because it even lag on the desktop ...
check the sources

@Jeremy: cam
Yes I noticed it sucked but was too lazy to make it again :-)

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