On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 05:23:41 pm Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:

> Hi Chris,


> if this is true, then there's probably a kernel module issue in 2.6.28
> with QtMoko. This needs to be tested then.

Could well be!  I did have TangoGPS working with OM2009 TR4 too (using their 
supplied 2.6.29-rc2 kernel, which has the wrong filename, claims to be 

> But again: I never managed to get a fix with any distro, so I don't
> think it will be possible for me to do testing at all, but when I get
> back from holidays I'll try to spend some time on this issue.

No worries, if there's anything I can do to help then please let me know!  I 
suppose it could also be a hardware issue on your phone too.. :-(

 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC

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