> I have used navit for a while now and today I have updated to  
> svn-2314. It gets better and better, but I still have my problems with
> some parts of the internal GUI.
> When adding more bookmarks than the screen can display I have no  
> option to scroll in the bookmark list. So more than a hand full
> of bookmarks are unusable. (If I am not missing any way to lookup the  
> bookmarks)
> When displaying the route description a next and prev button is shown  
> and this could be used for all list data.
> Thinking about bookmarks, why not adding a feature to the address book  
> to start navit with the contact as destination?
> (Or correlate the data anyhow)

Good point, if PIM could hold a value for coordinates it should not be too hard 
to implement this in any address book app.
It's 2 dbus calls to get the navit instance and another to set destination [1]

I did this with dbus-send after activating dbus interface of navit in navit.xml 
(centering works the same way as setting destination...):
dbus-send  --print-reply --session --dest=org.navit_project.navit 
/org/navit_project/navit org.navit_project.navit.iter
dbus-send  --print-reply --session --dest=org.navit_project.navit 
/org/navit_project/navit org.navit_project.navit.get_navit 
dbus-send  --print-reply --session --dest=org.navit_project.navit 
/org/navit_project/navit/navit/0 org.navit_project.navit.navit.set_center 
string:"geo:13.35 52.5"



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