> >> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Nicola Mfb <nicola....@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> > Exactly! About development I propose to expose peoples, projects and
> > what is missing, an example:
> >
> > critical "new openmoko community" core development:
> >
> > *) FSO team is developing the middleware, they need c/vala experts,
> > funding :) *) Mirko is working on Paroli, help is needed to create
> > a a good wifi manager plugin
> > *) Angus is working on om2009, openembedded experts are welcome
> > *) Nelson, Luca, etc. is working on kernel, some guru needed or
> > donate a debug board
> > *) Thomas, Andreas etc. is working on xorg glamo, drm/dri experts
> > are welcome *) xxx, yyy maintains the server infrastructure, gforge
> > experts needed ...
> >
> > other community development:
> >
> > *) c_c is working on audio/video mediaplayer
> > *) xxx is working on bluetooth manager
> > *) yyy is adapting linphone UI for small devices
> > *) zzz and www is testing qlwm for arm and writing qt applications
> > to create a new and complete qt/x11 gui phone stack over fso, every
> > qt developer is welcome
> > *) xxx is working to support wpa2/enterprise in connman
> > *) "" shr
> > *) "" debian
> > *) "" hackable:1
> > *) "" neovento
> > *) "" gentoo
> > *) "" qtmoko/qtimproved
> >
> > We need discussion boards too:
> >
> > *) how to use better the aux and power buttons
> > *) killing freezed x11 fullscreen applications
> > *) the wanted systray support
> > *) windows manager status
> > *) x11 server over qtimproved
> > *) improving the user interaction with accelerometers
> > *) long term architecture for om2010
> > ...
> >
> > The same for other tasks, there are few human resources, we need
> > organization and coordination.
> >

I am just another casual Freerunner user having lurked on the list
long enough now. I feel like we need a solid single point of contact
for all device owners and interested people. Our wiki is a good
starting point, but still everything seems a little bit messy to me.
While the software is getting better and better every day I agree with
others that it's time to improve the organizational part as well.

I felt free to add the points proposed by Nicola to the Community
Transition Page: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Community_transition

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