> I find openmoko, better say freedesktop as a nice project, and even  
> openmoko
> name should be avoided. They found a very cheap solution, they sold the
> devices for lot of money, practically they fooled lot of people. I can
> imagine the company manager behind smiling about all the complain emails  
> and
> naive users still hoping their freerunner will display nicely one day. I
> think after this being known, one should be crazy buying the openmoko.  
> One
> should instead maybe encourage the gnufiish project (or others) to port  
> the
> kernel, and use those phones as reference. One would at least avoid tons  
> of
> emails about slow graphics, about why X window etc. Again, M800 has
> keyboard, very usefull for a linux phone. Only drawback, it has only  
> 64megs
> memory, but better have less applications running smoother, than several
> slower... So ... whatsoever would be the device... forget about plan B,
> forget about openmoko for ever... Concentrate on linux for mobile device  
> and
> encourage hackers to write drivers for them, eventually paying them per
> paypal etc.

long time no whining.
that time of the year already?
my, time really flies ...

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