On 15/07/2009 7:39 AM, Michal Brzozowski wrote:
> Could you clarify a bit what exactly is the goal of this effort? Is it
> just designing a line of "open hardware" mobile devices (that's what it
> sounds like), and selling them to manufacturers?  Or do they also want
> to help improve the software, like kernel, fso, x11 drivers, etc for the
> Neo?
> My feeling is that the GTA02 device itself is in pretty good shape
> compared to the software it runs. So how will the community benefit from
> a GTA03?

I think the short answer is; the software will continue to move forward 
with or without the help of an external entity. The resources for 
continuing the hardware advancement are limited and any assistance is 
better than none. This opportunity seems to surpass the 'better than 
none' category :)


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