
could you please try to re-install gdata? I suppose, you have an old
version of gdata installed - which did not contain site-packages for
Python 2.6 (e.g. SHR) (only for Python 2.5 - OM 2008.X) ... uninstall
and grab a new copy from ...

Please let me know, whether this was working well for you ... greetings

Robin Paulson wrote:
> i'm trying to sync data from google calendar to openmoko dates, using
> pisi, but get this error message. my google calendar account is set up
> in the pisi conf file
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> r...@om-gta02:~# pisi googleCalendar pimlicodates
> Traceback (most recent call
> last):....................................................] Starting
> Configuration
>   File "/bin/pisi", line 156, in <module>
>     pisicli.startCLI()
>   File "/opt/pisi/", line 215, in startCLI
>     source = pisi.importModules(configfolder,  config,  modulesToLoad,
>  modulesNamesCombined, soft)
>   File "/opt/pisi/", line 81, in importModules
>     exec "from modules import " + modulename + " as module"+i.__str__()
>   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
>   File "/opt/pisi/modules/", line 20, in <module>
>     import gdata.calendar.service
> ImportError: No module named gdata.calendar.service
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> python-gdata is installed
> does anyone have any ideas?
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