On Tue, 2009-07-21 at 11:20 +0200, Xavier Cremaschi wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have been using tangogps since the beginning of my Openmoko life (july 
> 08), and now I've got lots of openstreetmap tiles stored on my microSD 
> which cover useful areas for me.
> Does anyone know how I can update my tiles to get the most up-to-date 
> openstreetmap info ?
> I don't care to re-dl all my tiles, but I don't want to download useless 
> ones : my coverage is very specific, I have lots of tiles in order to 
> cover cities on the coast (I zoomed and ask for a detail download of 
> these cities), but almost nothing further in the land (not useful for 
> me), so triggering a re-download of a huge rectangular area is NOT what 
> I want.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Xavier.

Hi Xavier,

It might be as easy as this:

for TILE in `find /path/to/tiles -type f`; do
 echo "${TILE}"
 FILE=`basename "${TILE}"`
 L1=`dirname "${TILE}" | gawk -F"/" '{ print $NF}'`
 L2=`dirname "${TILE}" | gawk -F"/" '{ print $(NF-1)}'`
 curl --output "${TILE}"

curl and http are on the same line, you mail program might split in over
two lines.

Kind regards,

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