On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 13:14, Michal Brzozowski<ruso...@poczta.fm> wrote:
> 2009/7/27 Sebastian Krzyszkowiak <seba.d...@gmail.com>
>> Packaging apps on your own is bad by design (unless you're packaging
>> closed source apps, but they are also bad :P), not changes in SHR.
> No it's not bad by design, because some people use other distros than SHR,
> like Om2008.

Having one package for few incompatible systems is even worse :P

> Plus if someone publishes a new app or a new version, everyone can just
> 'opkg install <url>' instead of waiting for SHR developers to include the
> app in their repository (assuming everyone uses SHR).

For interesting apps from Openmoko community we're setting AUTOREV, so
it's always the newest version.

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak

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