On Mon, 3 Aug 2009 03:30:05 am Radek Polak wrote:

> could you send the log? Can you also try to delete SMS on your sim? I
> dont have much experience with GSM but i could try to take a look at it.
> Btw i have just tried send SMS to my phone and it worked.

I just sent myself a test SMS and had to reboot to be able to receive it.

I have enabled AT command logging and I see this in the logs:

Aug  3 21:44:53 neo Qtopia: AtChat :  t : "AT+CPBS="EN""
Aug  3 21:44:53 neo Qtopia: AtChat :  F : "EXT: I"
Aug  3 21:44:53 neo Qtopia: AtChat :  F : "ERROR"
Aug  3 21:44:53 neo Qtopia: AtChat :  T : "AT+CIND=?"
Aug  3 21:44:58 neo Qtopia: AtChat :  F : "+CIND: ("signal", (0-5)), 
("smsfull", (0-1))"
Aug  3 21:44:59 neo Qtopia: AtChat :  f : "AT+CPBS="EN""
Aug  3 21:44:59 neo Qtopia: AtChat :  f : "OK"
Aug  3 21:44:59 neo Qtopia: AtChat :  t : "AT+CPBR=1,2"
Aug  3 21:44:59 neo Qtopia: AtChat :  F : "OK"
Aug  3 21:45:00 neo Qtopia: Unable to complete service: "NewSmsArrival" - 

Any use ?

 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC

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