Am Donnerstag, 6. August 2009 14:35:36 schrieb Paul Fertser:
> Marcel <> writes:
> > Am Donnerstag, 6. August 2009 13:46:34 schrieben Sie:
> >> Please don't omit the ML from CC!
> >
> > Oh, sorry, I simply pressed "reply" without looking to whom I'm
> > actually replying.
> You're supposed to use "Reply all" or "group reply" when you reply to
> a ML message.
> >> Looks like frameworkd is hanging due to some problem communicating
> >> with the modem or something like that. Read the log more carefully,
> >> those lines you posted are completely irrelevant. For me this same
> >> command works.
> >
> > That _normally_ works fine for me, too, only ffalarms screws
> > suspending. There's indeed some more output about suspending, but I
> > cannot find something useful in that messages... Only... What about
> > line 36, it's changing the modem from "suspended" to "suspending",
> > shouldn't it be some kind of "awake" before being "suspending"?
> You might want to post your full log somewhere for more analysis.

Oh dammit, I forgot to paste the link... >_<
Here it is:

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