The notifications stuff makes sense, as it is definitely
needed(although preferably integrated with Illume instead of
But what is the motivation for writing another set of phone apps?  And
why as part of launcher (and not standalone apps)?


On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:25 PM, c_c<> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I thought I'll use this email to get some feedback on this ML.
>  I've spent some time trying to add stuff to Illume - but am still divided
> between having a seperate user space app for the FR. Tying phone
> functionality to Illume doesn't really feel right.
>  Launcher already works reasonably - and adding basic phone functionality
> will make a lot of sense - hence this effort. Unfortunately, I'm never
> really satisfied with the basic ;-)
>  The plan is therefore to add the following:-
>  * call log (already done to a large extent)
>  * match numbers to callers (in progress)
>  * sms app (with threads) (planned but not yet started)
>  * location info display (if someone can show me how)
>  * notification service - (stuck halfway) allowing any app to give a
> notification to the user. It'll work similar to the way things work now for
> indicating sms/missed calls. A notification icon gets shown on the home
> page, clicking it brings up a notifications window with an icon and a
> message in a button allowing the (client) app to set another app (mostly
> itself) to run in response to the button click.
>  * reminders for notifications (including sms/missed calls)
>  * icons indicating the profile settings (vibrate / silent etc)
>  * perhaps overloading the aux button to provide some specific functionality
> (like brightness/picking calls etc)
>  Help needed
>  * dbus service using e libs. How do I register a service from a running
> app? I'm a little unsure about whether a marshaller is needed or not - and
> what the right way to implement this using e would be.
>  * icons for just about everything - missed calls, incoming calls, outgoing
> calls, new sms, read sms, phone icon, mobile icon etc.
>  I'm currently using icons from opimd-utils. Hope that's OK.
>  * bug reports on launcher. There are a few pending bugs - will fix them
> soon.
>  I'll get back sms/missed call functionality (had shifted to opimd till I
> was told that the current stack hasn't) and will release a test version with
> phonelog working soon(maybe today).

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