On 8/25/09, David Reyes Samblas Martinez <da...@tuxbrain.com> wrote:
> <snip>
>> How should different distributions be combined in the showroom?
>> ->
>> This is difficult since package information from different repositories
>> is is likely to differ. That means for example: should we use the
>> description provided by SHR or the one from Gentoo?
>> My first thought was, to just use information from SHR and if the same
>> application is available in a different distro add something like "Also
>> available for Gentoo". This is flawed however because maybe a package
>> provided by Gentoo isn't available in SHR and just putting it into "not
>> categorized" feels wrong.
>> So im my opinion there should be a showroom for each distribution. This
>> way it is easy to display distribution specific information on an
>> application.
> I a little disagree with you here, I like the vision of the apt-get
> portal to be aplication-centric instead of distro-centric, I agree to
> extract info form the repos , and this info will be useful to
> initialize the bd, etc but the users will have the availability to
> enrich this descriptions and adding pics and vids, comments, voting,
> karma and whatever fancy thing we want/can  include  and all this will
> be managed by the showroom it self,
> an application will have some characteristics and those can be
> perfectly in what distro/machine/version is included and the level of
> working state but is assumed than if is included in a distro will have
> some level of usable state
>> Isn't it very inefficient to have several showrooms (one per
>> distribution)?
>> ->
>> Not neccessarily. Completely unrelated showrooms would of course result
>> in additional work. For example one would upload similar or even the
>> same screenshots several times for different distributions.
>> A good solution would be to relate these showrooms together. That means
>> to have a kind of "masterlist" were all applications from all
>> distributions are collected. Screenshots and comments aren't attached
>> to an application in a single showroom, but to the name of the
>> application on the "masterlist".
>> When viewing an application on the SHR-showroom displayed information
>> comes from bb-files, but screenshots and comments come from the
>> "masterlist". If viewing the same application on the Gentoo-showroom
>> the same screenshots and comments would be showed, but the application
>> information and category may differ.
> As said before I prefer only one distro agnostic showroom, much more
> easy to mantain , and if some one only wants to navigate trough only
> one distro apps, use a filter.
>> Maybe comments should be tagged so one can toggle between "Show all"
>> and "Show distribution specific".
> Good point
>> Do we want to support more hardware than the Freerunner?
>> ->
>> Definitely yes, or have you forgotten about the neo-gta01 pioneers?
>> And in case someday gta03/gta02core really materializes it
>> deserves a place in the showroom, too. However I still have to think
>> more about supporting multiple hardware. Maybe someone else with good
>> thoughts on this?
> Just another field on the characteristics of the app to be filled.
>> Please excuse my shiftless examples including SHR and Gentoo only,
>> other distris are great, too ;)
> Your are welcome ;)
>> jxs
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> --
> David Reyes Samblas Martinez
> http://www.tuxbrain.com
> Open ultraportable & embedded solutions
> Openmoko, Openpandora,  Arduino
> Hey, watch out!!! There's a linux in your pocket!!!
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Well, app-oriented showroom will be easier to maintain (well, i'm not
sure about that), but less useful for users and applications using
data from that showroom (about that i'm sure :P).

Also, I would love to see self-built packages abbandoned at all and
not used in such showroom, as they only produce mess and problems.

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak

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