I wrote a little Qt app to send destination or position to Navit via dbus 
(needs to be activated in navit.xml first) or center the map.
package [1]
source [2]
screenshot [3]

How to use it:
create a file with name;lat;lon per line and start the program. If the file is 
named bookmarks.csv and placed in $HOME or the directory where qnavitctl is 
started this file is automatically loaded.

Why a program that does what Navit already can do?
 - for me it is a quick fix for #352 in navit
 - for my 1k+ trip I have to prepare intermdeiate stops as otherwise route 
calculation would take very long (if it would succeed at all), so I can have my 
navit window and another window to set next destination easily
 - it is an example how to talk to navit via dbus and could be used for other 
apps (e.g. litephone) to get coordinates (e.g. from opimd) and start navigation 
in navit through a button (e.g. you receive a text containing coordinates, 
press "take me there" and the coordinates are send as destination to navit via 
 - I am still learning Qt :)

That's all

[1] http://openmoko.senfdax.de/shr-unstable/
[2] http://git.senfdax.de/?p=qnavitctl;a=summary
[3] http://openmoko.senfdax.de/screenshots/qnavitctl.png

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