The FLTK distribution has an excellent editor that is largely based on
nedit code which I use on my FR. Forward your X display to another host
and fire it up. Does not have all the features of nedit, but works just
fine when compiled out of the box.
> ...
>> Wait a sec - did I understand correctly that you want to tell people
>> to use vi in the user manual?
>> So I take you expect that people going through the manual are skilled
>> enough to use vi and if not, they'll be smart enough to use nano
>> instead?
>> Maybe the manual should explain how to use vi: how to save, exit etc..
>> I have no idea how to use it. Maybe a link to vi howto?
>> I have no problems accepting that some prefer more vi than nano but I
>> have hard time accepting it being suggested in a manual where you
>> can't be sure people know how to use it as it isn't as
>> self-explanatory as nano, no matter how much Ctrl you have to use.
>> r
> I would agree with Risto here - vi is great for experienced users, but
> for the inexperienced or "pure "user" - it can be a nightmare experience
> that provides detractors with plenty of ammunition that linux is hard to
> use, for geeks only and not for serious use ...
> Idea, have guides for both (if not nano then something similarly easy to
> use -  a dos edit clone of some kind for compatibility, nedit?) - linked
> from the manual.  There are plenty of vi guides out there, and probably
> for most other apps as well.  The idea should be to guide and inform,
> catering for both experienced and inexperienced (to both the FR and
> linux) users.
> BillK
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