On Sun, 2009-08-30 at 15:52 +0200, David Garabana Barro wrote:
> O Martes, 21 de Xullo de 2009, ivvmm escribiu:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > were there any successful fixes since posting
> > http://lists.openmoko.org/pipermail/hardware/2009-May/001192.html
> I have fixed it a month ago  with a new 0805 22 uF capacitor.
> Since then, having deep_sleep active, I have not suffered from recamping nor 
> lost any call :)
> Although I haven't measured battery sleep time, I can assure it's far higher 
> than before.

I had the same fix (22uF 0805 cap) done last week, with the same results
as above.  

For extended batter life, again, nothing firm, but I was able to use my
FR for three days (calls, SMSs, ~1h of GPS, general screwing with it)
without requiring a recharge.  The reduced battery drain in suspend is
quite noticeable, about 5-7% overnight.

This fix really puts the FR into a useful battery life range.

Kind regards,


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