
I would like to use my freerunner in a plug&play mode. Just attach to the
computer, and simply ssh in using terminal or nautilus.

Currently 2 things break the above experience:
1. I need to issue manually the following command:
sudo ip address add dev eth3

If you use two freerunner, it will get different ethX interface (eth2 vs. eth3)
which is rather annoying.
There is ifrename (http://linux.die.net/man/8/ifrename), which could fix it.

2. After some seconds (30-40 sec) the connection is broken. I need to
reissue the above command, and after it does not break anymore.
I highly suspect Networkmanager is f*cking with me.

So the question is, can it be written an udev rule, which do the above
things automatically, and also stop disconnecting the freerunner?

The current way is really hard to teach for a nonexperienced user (ie. gf),
how to upload musics to the "music player device".;-\

Best regards,

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