> Holy moly... where did that come from? By CU I am hoping you mean
> Community Update.  I did not mention nor did I consider the CU in my
> statement.  I don't know how many people read the CU but I would GUESS
> that the majority of the readers are on this mailing list and have
> already responded to the poll.  Regardless, It would not hurt to
> include it in the CU if there will be one soon.  I apologize if I hit
> an unseen nerve (and it seems I did.)
Seems wrong. Getting me nervous need much more effort and finesse. What
does, is that those 275 respondents you mentioned above are probably
only those who are subscribed to one/some of mailing lists. And you are
trying to ignore those who are looking information about their devices
other ways, like OM wiki. We do not know how many they are such people,
but I assume following:
        minimum - NULL, that means you are right
        maximum would be approximately the same as number of smart phones sold
by OM Inc. This number might be greater than 300. I do not want to
margin them, as we do not know how many they are.

Kind Regards,       Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
                    Linux Registered User #377521
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