On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 2:47 AM, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra<r...@1407.org> wrote:
> How does CellHunter compare with OpenBMap ?

I think someone could write a wiki page about this and include it in FAQ's :)

CellHunter: 7milj cells, clients: http://www.opkg.org/package_111.html
and http://www.opkg.org/package_175.html (and repositories?)
OpenBMap: 479584 cells of which 82842 are 'trusted'*, client:
http://www.opkg.org/package_186.html (and repositories)
OpenCellID: 433459 cells, clients:

* trusted means it's collected via OpenBMap project, not imported from
other projects.

AFAIK, CellHunter is a competition (teams/individuals against each
other) on collecting cells as OpenBmap&OpenCellID - well, you just
collect the cells.
AFAIK, OpenBmap is told to import data from other projects
AFAIK, OpenBmap was started because of different views about important
data to collect between OpenCellID and OpenBMap devels.

To me the whole thing is a big mess. Do we really need three projects.
Let me bet, they all are now working on tools to use their own data to
find the position of a phone, right?

1) if OpenBMap imports from other projects, why it's missing the 7milj
cellhunter cells?
2) AFAIK There are no tools to benefit from the collected data yet
3) Can't see a OpenCellID client for Freerunner

I earlier tried CellHunter, didn't work. For me OpenBmap is just
easiest to use. Which doesn't necessarily make it the best one of
these three to contribute to. They call the diversity a richness of
Open Source. Can't really see it here.


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi
| http://risto.kurppa.fi

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