I need to setup the Openmoko phone to use a wireless (WPA2 encryption) 
connection so that I can then use a SIP phone application to connect to a AP 
that runs Asterisk.

I have the AP system in place and in fact I've been able to configure the Neo 
using the older om2008 load to set this up and I could demonstrate it working. 
That was much earlier this year.

The system has been sent back to me to make it more robust and consistent. The 
previous system was very hard to get working. The biggest problem was that the 
dhcp client (Busybox udhcpc) would most often just ignore the response to it's 
DHCPDISCOVER message sent by the AP. It would accept it eventually but with a 
boardroom full of customers, telling them that it would connect eventually 
doesn't seem to mean much to them. I just recently replaced the udhcpc 
application with the dhclient application and this worked much better.

I would like to do this demo using the more recent SHR loads since the om2008 
series seems to be abandoned. I have a few issues and I'm wondering if someone 
knows how to get around them.

I've put the lastest stable load of SHR on. I have been able to get the 
wireless to work by modifying the various wpa_supplicant and init.d files by 
hand but, the phone comes up without the wireless chip turned on so I have to 
go into the settings application and actually turn it on. It's not persistent. 
I then have to run my init script and then it connects (I can see the wpa 
handshaking being done on my AP). However the DHCP client "dhclient" doesn't 
appear to be available under SHR and I have to fall back to busybox's udhcpc. 
It just doesn't seem to work. According to the SHR project page, I could use 
Mokonnect to configure all of this but it's not available to the stable 
version and I tried to load the unstable package but it gives me startup 
errors and then gacks. I've tried to put a unstable SHR load on the Neo but 
then I run into all sorts of incompatibility issues and I get things like the 
usb0 interface is unavailable and I therefore can't then get at the Neo to fix 

Is there a magic combination here that I can put together so that I can use 
the wireless interface with the SHR load? 

I'll deal with the SIP phone application after I get this up and running.


"To Err is human, to forgive is NOT company policy."

John Dowd
S/W Contractor
email: jdowd at gmail dot com
Cell: (613)316-7884
Home: (613)234-7884     

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