>  Can you check if there is no intone / mplayer process hung in the
> background? That could lock up the db.
>  Then rm -rf .intone and run intone.

I will also reboot the phone. But there is no intone for sure.

r...@om-gta02 ~ $ ps aux|grep  intone
root      2223  1.0  1.6  15668  2044 pts/4    S    19:42   0:00
mplayer -idle -quiet -slave -msglevel global=6 -input
root      2234  0.0  0.6   3268   816 pts/4    S+   19:43   0:00 grep intone
r...@om-gta02 ~ $ kill 2223
r...@om-gta02 ~ $ ps aux|grep  intone
root      2238  0.0  0.6   3268   816 pts/4    S+   19:43   0:00 grep intone
r...@om-gta02 ~ $ ps aux|grep  intone
root      2240  0.0  0.6   3268   816 pts/4    S+   19:43   0:00 grep intone
r...@om-gta02 ~ $ rm -rf .intone
r...@om-gta02 ~ $ intone
16 SQL error: unable to open database file
Creating new db file
16.5 SQL error: 1 not an error
db ver 63
2256: old priority 0, new priority 0
Using **pending_return in dbus_connection_send_with_reply_setup()
without pending_setup is deprecated and strongly discouraged
Using **pending_return in dbus_connection_send_with_reply_setup()
without pending_setup is deprecated and strongly discouraged
Using **pending_return in dbus_connection_send_with_reply_setup()
without pending_setup is deprecated and strongly discouraged
Segmentation fault
r...@om-gta02 ~ $

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