Torfinn Ingolfsen wrote:

> Ok, so I need a swap partition too?

I havent tested how much swap partition helps. But i have 128MB swap
on /dev/mmcblk0p4 and it's hardcoded in QtMoko fstab.

> I better get myself a new sd card then, the original 512MB one doesn't
> have very much space free (I just created a single partition on it).
> How big shoud this swap partition be?

Depends on how much memory the program you want to run eats. You can
check memory with top command or in "System info". 64MB should help for

> The only thing I can find on thw wiki about Swap is this:
> and it talks about a swap file, not a swap partition.

Havent tried swap file. But it should be no problem since it's debian.



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