On Wednesday 09 September 2009 22:26:44 Radek Polak wrote:
> i have just uploaded new QtMoko debian images.
Thanks a lot for your work.

As my old phone is now dead, I started using my freeruner as main phone. 
Before saying anything else, QtMoko is for now my favorite distro. But we 
never discuss about the good points. So here are the remaining issues (from 
must to least annoying):
- Bad sound quality. I got complain until I switched to 
With this, the speaker is still too low but at least the other person can hear 
- about the first second of conversation is cut. This is very annoying.
- When registering multiple numbers for a contact, some are not callable (like 
"mobile" and "other"). The phone show a list of numbers without them.
- My provider (orange in France) use service request (#123#) to give me the 
remaining credit. Unfortunately qtmoko only display the first line of the 
answer (which btw doesn't contain any usefull information). Moreover it's not 
possible to respond to it.
- Phone doesn't re-register to GSM network (like after leaving airplane mode 
or after network error)
- Alarm are not working (I get them after reboot)
- "Restart Qt Extended" doesn't work (I get stuck in the console with the 
blinking cursor)
- Boot time is still too long (2'40 to first picture, 3'10 to PIN screen)
- QtExtended theme is not readable under the sun. A theme with more contrast 
would be apreciated
- I find v9 more crashy than other version (5 crashes in 2 days). Maybe it's 
due to a more intense usage.
- A nice boot logo would be nicer than console messages for 2 minutes

A real bugtracker would be a good idea. The current one seems unloved (only 6 
bugs, none of them ever receive an update). When reporting a bug, it's not 
possible to enter the image version (like v9). It would be also great if the 
qtmoko version where accessible from the information application on the phone.

Vincent Meurisse

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