On 9/16/09, Warren Baird <wjba...@alumni.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> I decided to try a semi-formal experiment...   I haven't had time to do
> multiple repetitions but I figured I'd share anyways.   I'm running shr-u
> updated about a week ago.   My process was that I rebooted my FR, ran
> through a set of steps, at each point timing how long it took from starting
> the action (clicking on the icon, eg) to when the screen was finished
> redrawing.
> I ran through two processes I do regularly - start GPS, start up claws mail,
> and open my inbox, and then the second was to open the messages program.  I
> then rebooted and did the entire process again, with the only difference
> being that I started up the terminal, added 'NO_NEW_FAIR_SLEEPERS' to the
> scheduler, closed the terminal, and repeated the process.   At the end of
> each process I used the illume 'next window' arrow to flip through all the
> open windows twice - 5 separate windows - waiting for a full redraw before
> proceeding,
> starting claws-mail was noticable faster - 18s vs. 23s (about 20% faster),
> and opening the inbox was also faster 14s vs 18s.   Unfortunately the SHR
> settings panel and SHR messages were about the same.    Swapping windows was
> also a lot quicker - 15s vs. 10s.
> It'd be good if we had more info - but based on this, it definitely looks
> like a win to leave enabled.
> Warren

WTF? How swapping windows can take 15 seconds? Here it's immediately,
with sometimes max ~1 second lag!

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak

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