Hi guys, this is my first time posting, so howdy.

Just a few questions about qtmoko, and wondering if anyone else has the same 
issues as I do.

First off, email. I can't get Google POP or anything SSL related to work out 
of the box. email TLS does tho, is this just me, do I need to install some 
package, any help would be appreciated.

Secondly, I remember it was quite easy to store media to the uSD card by 
default in the original 4.3.2 release of qtopia, is there any way to do this 
with qtmoko?

Are alarms working yet? they don't seem to work when I input events into the 
calender, and I don't get a wake up alarm either. It'd be nice if this would 
work, altho its not entirely necessary.

Lastly, on my Freerunner, the cell signal strength always reports low except 
when switching towers. I know the signal is quite strong, especially at my 
apartment, seeing as I'm less than 1000 ft. from a tower and I'm on the 2nd 
floor. But I only have 1 bar. Maybe some line of code in the chain is 
looking for a positive number and getting a negative instead, IE wanting >0, 
but getting -96db or some-odd. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed 
this issue. It was never a problem with the original 4.3.2 all the way up to 

Great work on it by the way, thanks for all the quality you've put into this 
piece of software! 

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