On 2009-09-20 Radek Polak wrote:
> [...]
> Hi Alexander,
> how do you exactly mount it? Have you copied all the files from
> NAND's /home/root to the sdcard? Otherwise i cant see why it should be
> problem. For me in v11 it works:
> http://scap.linuxtogo.org/files/96103d636f82e8717350bb50bfa4b083.png
> Regards
> Radek

Hi Radek
I mount it with fstab 

/dev/mmcblk0p2  /home/root      auto            defaults

Before I made this

mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /mnt
cp -a /home/root /mnt/
umount /mnt 

The Problem is, that no graphic appear



P.S. I updated to v11 with kernel v11

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