I'm pretty sure Illume does not have support for categories or the
ability to hide apps (especially not through a menu).

If you delete the .desktop file from /usr/share/applications/, it
won't be displayed.
If your .desktop file doesn't contain Type=Application, I don't think
it'll be displayed.


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 7:43 AM, arne anka <openm...@ginguppin.de> wrote:
> i'm just checking out enlightenment with illume theme and am very confused
> about the icons shown on the desktop ("launcher").
> i am sure there has to be a setting where the apps to be listed are
> selectebale -- and yet, in the rather confusing settings (top shelf ->
> wrench) i don't find anything.
> so far i've seen that apparently
> ~/.e/e/appshadow/
> contains everything displayed -- but that folder is populated with links
>  from /usr/share/applications/, which strikes me as rather odd, and is
> recretated everytime e crashes or is restarted, thereby removing _any_
> loacl change, with is not longer odd but inacceptable.
> tapping and holding on the desktop's background doesn't either offer any
> possibility to configure the launcher's content.
> so, where does one do that?
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