Hello list,

I am marking this message as OT because it is not specific to Openmoko, but
I thought someone here may know because I think most members of this list
are relatively technical.

Anyway, why are SIM contacts (contacts stored on a SIM) so limited?

   1. Cannot have multiple phone numbers per contact.
   2. Cannot change the type (home, work, mobile, etc.) of the phone number.
   3. Names are truncated to 18 chars.

Why do I have to store contacts in the phone instead of on the SIM to do
anything useful?


Sometimes I forget how to do small talk: <http://xkcd.com/222/>

“If you have to ask why, you’re not a member of the intended audience.” —
Bob Zimbinski, <http://webpages.mr.net/bobz/ttyquake/>
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