Al Johnson schrieb:
On Wednesday 28 October 2009, Davide Scaini wrote:
Hi guys,
i would like to build some packages for shr that i feel i miss (like
 gnuplot or so... and maybe do some stupid interface, but not in the
 immediate future). Where do i start? I tried to find a source on the
 openmoko wiki, but with no sure answers... I'm sure you can give me a
 simple reference to start ;-)

SHR is based at, and the link you want is:
Note that it may not build cleanly at the moment as the devs are concentrating on some major changes in another branch, and the build procedure will change when they pull this branch into unstable soon.

SHR uses OpenEmbedded (OE) so development howtos for OE and bitbake will apply to SHR as well.

The initial build will take a long time and a lot of disk space. Once that is done, building extra packages that already have bitbake recipes is usually easy:
        cd /wherever/you/installed/it/shr-unstable
        . setup-env
        bitbake packagename
If you are using your own repository, update the repository index with:
        bitbake package-index

... and if do don't get this to run like me, you can try (like i sucsessfully did):



happy compiling !

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