В Чтв, 19/11/2009 в 17:01 +0100, Thomas Zimmermann пишет:
> ----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------
> Betreff: [Shr-User] SHR-unstable got a facelift. And you a christmas 
> present....
> Datum: Donnerstag 19 November 2009
> Von: Sebastian Spaeth <sebast...@sspaeth.de>
> An: "SHR-devel" <shr-de...@lists.shr-project.org>, "SHR-user" <shr-
> u...@lists.shr-project.org>
> [Nov 19 2009, The Internets] It's been psychologically proven that the
> longer you wait for your presents, the more happy you will be when you
> finally get them. It seems, the SHR team wants to make you REALLY happy
> and has let you waiting for quite some time without updates to
> shr-unstable...
> ENOUGH WAITING. Christmas comes a bit early this year, and a new
> SHR-unstable image is out for public consumption. 

In Russia, we have Christmas at 7th of january, this does not mean that
God born that day, this means that we've changed our calendars 2,5
centuries later, i hope...

Now about shr. I've missed intone in Qtmoko! Want to say that new
graphics is really impressive, it's pleasure to look at it, despite of
thinking about 640*480*2=2 Mb memory for image ;). New gry theme is
really fast and nice, and this thing compensates well impossibility to
switch to x11_16 rendering.

New volume controls while call are nice thing, contacts look and feel
very good. I noticed even backup control in settings!

Of course, device is unusable without Thomas kernel patch. With that
patch it's really fast like a... like a usual device, except some things
like tangogps with large map, and main screen. I didn't notice if
someone post prebuild kernel with modules, so here is mine andy-tracking
with whole Thomas patch and all debug disabled:
http://www.bsdmn.com/openmoko/. Btw, why kernel debug things are enabled
in kernels now for ordinary users in ordinary distributions? Without it
feels faster. Can't wait until 2.6.31 will be ready and in
distributions! Btw, I checked this with both shr and qtmoko - boost is
amazing. Only thing I don't know is how to transfer pint of best beer to
location of patches author. So far, I didn't notice any problems with

Now, list of bug I noticed so far, hope I can help at least as tester
having few time as developer:

First, I've updated it once after initial flash.

0. Scrolling in contacts! It thinks that release of finger is click,
really annying. How to fix that?

1. Double touchscreen hit problem. It is needed to tap 2 times to run
contacts or messages.

2. Update button in seettings for power consumption is fact don't

3. lockscreen things - correct name of calling person. Easy reset of
'unanswered calls' and 'new messages' - they keep on top even if I've
look at them.

4. It's impossible to add contact in easy way - you have to 'add field'.
Also, I've got a crash of whole telephony system adding new contact from
sms nubber.

5. Battery charge indicator sometimes crying that battery discharged. It
fix itself in minute, but annoying a bit.

6. Sometimes, it telephony stops working. In such cases I see speaker
volume as 0 while calling and can't hear other party even moving slider.

7. Midori is as always without proper fonts.

Big thanks from me as an openmoko user for new things. I am using it for
few days and it is real pleasure.

... so, for whoose who followed my mail to this point - i hope all bugs
will be fixed and all users of Openmoko will get their one more
Christmas presents :)


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