Hi all,
Recently wiki editor Kukide, changed DistributionBos template. It was on
wiki also, thus i assume i can quote his email to me: 

> Hi, I change your templates
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Template:DistributionBox and rewrite on
> all back-links. 
> I make some new templates for this page:
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Distributions In the future if some
> distribution start work on new hardware, it will be easy change in
> template for this distribution and it will change on all places in
> wiki. :) 
> And I thing in the future distributions will work on more hardware and
> it will be helpful split information about "other" device. This is a
> possible on this page: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Template:Works 
> I hope it will be useful. 
> Kukide

Today i started to add some entries to Community Updates. One of them
was SHR-Testing branch. I have 2 considerations about this:

1) It appeared, that after Kukide's modifications you have to add new
sub-template for each new distribution, describing hardware it works on.
In my opinion it is a flaw. Kukide kindly made template for SHR and few
other distros, but didn't make new one for SHR-Testing. This scenario
will repeat for future distributions and generates additional work for
wiki editors.

2) It also appeared, that using sub-templates we loose all history of
what distro's versions were working on what hardware.
Example: if you modify template for lets say QtMoko v123, by adding new
hardware (lets consider that QtMoko V123 works on PS3) it will appear in
all previous Community Updates, that all previous versions of QtMoko
starting from V1, V2,... also are working on PS3... which is not true.
This is a flaw also IMHO.

Conclusions: I think we should revert these changes and use old
DistributionBox template. Of course keeping in mind freedom in all
aspects I am asking all of you, what is your opinion (especially you
Kukide) before reverting those changes.

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
Linux Registered User #377521
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