On Friday 08 January 2010 11:10:49 Neil Jerram wrote:
> 2010/1/8 Laszlo KREKACS <laszlo.krekacs.l...@gmail.com>:
> > What I fear about N900 is that it always stays as one single high-end
> > model to nokia.
> > There were always single model in the past: n700, n800, n810
> Huh?  That looks like 3 models to me.  And the N900 makes 4.

I think he meant concurrent models, not incremental releases. However, I think 
(and hope) once the 5 Step program for the maemo development is finished we 
will see a lot more Maemo devices from Nokia.

> > Btw, if there an SHR porting effort to N900? Or e libraries?
> Doesn't the N900 use the standard Debian archive?  (I only know that
> part of the community has pushed for that for a long time...)  If it
> does, the question becomes whether the e libraries are in Debian.

No. The N900 uses dpkg/apt and .deb packages but they are not exactly the same 
as debian ones. There are some additional tweaks and hooks to regard the 
limited ressources on mobile devices. However. You can re-package debian 
packages for maemo without recompiling the source.


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