On Fri, Jan 08, 2010 at 10:29:31PM +0200, Tony Berth wrote:
>   Tony Berth <[2]tonybe...@googlemail.com> writes:
>   >     Tony Berth <[3]tonybe...@googlemail.com> writes:
>   >     > when I tried to flash my FR with the latest SHR and after the kernel
>   >     > was successfully installed, I got (somewhere in the middle of the
>   >     > process):
>   >     >
>   >     > dfu_download error -110
>   >
>   >     It's usually suggested to try another usb-cable/port/no hub etc. Also
>   >     make sure you flash to the correct nand partition.
>   >
>   > how can I be sure that I flash the correct nand partition?
>   _to_ the correct nand partition, i.e. when flashing rootfs you should
>   use -a rootfs dfu-util switch. Other than that, it still worth trying
>   to check another cable/port even if other devices work ok. Have you
>   already checked the meaning of the error btw?
> I'll try to get another cable.
> Yes, I use flag '-a' for rootfs but didn't find the meaning of that error!
> That's my problem too!

Looks like it's directly what usb_control_msg returns and it means ETIMEDOUT

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