> [...]
> > Thanks for this. Where exactly did you change it? I grepped 'Os' and 'O2' 
> > in openembedded/recipes/qt4/* but found neither.
> > -O seems no to be set in CFLAGS under qt4/
> I do not know if this is the right way, just digged in bitbake sources
> and added to local.conf the line:
> FULL_OPTIMIZATION_pn-qt4-x11-free = "-fexpensive-optimizations
> -fomit-frame-pointer -frename-registers -O2"
>       Niko

Hi Niko!

Thanks a lot, that did it! I wonder why it is not integrated by default though.

...definition and registration of FSOResourceStatus struct ...

I also try to connect to the ResourceChanged signal from ousaged which has a 
more complex signature and it reports that signal would not exist.
I use the following code to display all signals/methods on ousaged interface:
        usageInterface = new QDBusInterface("org.freesmartphone.ousaged", 
"/org/freesmartphone/Usage", "org.freesmartphone.Usage", 
QDBusConnection::systemBus(), this);
        if(usageInterface->isValid()) {
                const QMetaObject* metaObject = usageInterface->metaObject();
                qDebug() << "\norg.freesmartphone.Usage methods:";
                for(int i = metaObject->methodOffset(); i < 
metaObject->methodCount(); ++i)
                        qDebug() << 
QString::fromLatin1(metaObject->method(i).signature()) << "[" << 
(metaObject->method(i).methodType()==1?"signal":"method") << "]";
SIGNAL(ResourceChanged(FSOResourceStatus)), this, 

output is:

org.freesmartphone.Usage methods:
"GetResourcePolicy(QString)" [ method ]
"GetResourceState(QString)" [ method ]
"GetResourceUsers(QString)" [ method ]
"ListResources()" [ method ]
"Reboot()" [ method ]
"RegisterResource(QString,QDBusObjectPath)" [ method ]
"ReleaseResource(QString)" [ method ]
"RequestResource(QString)" [ method ]
"ResourceAvailable(QString,bool)" [ signal ]
"SetResourcePolicy(QString,QString)" [ method ]
"Shutdown()" [ method ]
"Suspend()" [ method ]
"SystemAction(QString)" [ signal ]
"UnregisterResource(QString)" [ method ]
"initResources()" [ method ]
Object::connect: No such signal 

As you can see, the ResourceChanged signal is not listed (neither on my FR nor 
on my PC), but with qdbusviewer I can connect to it and receive the signal:

Received signal from :1.17, path /org/freesmartphone/Usage, interface 
org.freesmartphone.Usage, member ResourceChanged
  Arguments: "GPS", true, [Argument: a{sv} {"policy" = [Variant(QString): 
"auto"], "refcount" = [Variant(int): 1]}]

Any ideas how I can investigate further?



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