Hi radek, thanx for the reply. Is there an easy way to substitute Qt 4.6
with 4.5.3 in the current version?

On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 10:37 +0100, Radek Polak wrote:

> On Sunday 31 January 2010 16:20:55 gerald mwangi wrote:
> > Hi guys, have those of you using QtMoko on FR experienced crashes of
> > Arora and Webbrowser with the entry "QWebInspector:
> Webkit crashing is known problem caused probably by something wrong in QT 4.6 
> I will do new release soon based on older but more stable QT 4.5.3 which 
> should work much better with webkit.
> > QSettings couldn't
> > read configuration setting [resourceTrackingEnabled]" in the log? How
> > can I resolve this?
> Strange, maybe this is not related to webkit. Searching source code would be 
> needed to check what it means.
> > Secondly, multiplexing still doesn't work after enabling it in
> > Modem.conf in v16.
> You can check if it is really enabled. If you enable logging for modem stuff 
> it 
> should tell you if it is really enabled during modem initialization.
> But even when enabled multiplexing was working only half way for me. IIRC i 
> could receive call during GPRS session but i couldnt make one.
> But for next release multiplexing will be enabled by default, because if it's 
> disabled it causes strange problems for me (not showing some contacts on SIM).
> > Thanks for your replies in advance,
> > Gerald
> Thanks for writing too. Btw next release should be quite soon - i just need 
> to 
> find a few free hours to do it. I have also workaround that could help with 
> missed SMS problems.
> Regards
> Radek
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