On Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 04:32:51PM +0000, Neil Jerram wrote:
> On 3 March 2010 16:08, Martin Jansa <martin.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Or some already existing patch for compatibility with gpsd-2.90?
> That's an interesting question.  Are you considering gpsd for SHR,
> instead of ogpsd + fso-gpsd?

AFAIK gpsd was always built in SHR at least as gpsd.h provider etc. And it was
updated to 2.90 about a week ago. On device there is fso-gpsd and then libgps
now version libgps19 (2.90-r4.0.4).

I'm not really planing any gps switch, but the plan is to remove frameworkd
and python from SHR images ASAP.

1) fsogsmd should work already
2) opimd is redesigned still in python, then it will need vala? rewrite :/
3) fso-gsm depends on frameworkd (ogpsd) now and needs to be replaced/improved
   somehow, that's why I asked mickey
4) I'm building experimental images[1] with 2.6.32 kernel, fsogpsd, xserver-1.8 
   without udev, hal, python, frameworkd for myself (they are not usable out of
   the box, but I want to test and prepare SHR for next step :))

12:36.41        JaMa    mickey|office: yes there any plan to make fso_gpsd 
independent on frameworkd? now it's in RDEPENDS
13:50.33        mickey|office   JaMa: fso-gpsd has not been written by us, the 
author is somewhat missing in action; i do not have any plans for it. fso-gpsd 
translates gypsy into gpsd protocol. fsotdld will not use gypsy protocol, so 
fso-gpsd won't work anyways w/ fso2
13:55.29        JaMa    mickey|office: so fsotdld will provide NMEA? and if we 
need gpsd protocol provided by fso-gpsd (ie for using gpsd from FR on other 
device over wifi connection) then someone need to implement NMEA->GPSD right?
13:56.05        mickey|office   JaMa: I'm afraid fsotdld will not provide NMEA, 
that would not make sense, fsotdld is about giving a high level location 
13:56.14        mickey|office   we will have to have something like 
fsotdld->gpsd, yes
13:56.28        pabs3   how does fsotdld relate to geoclue?
13:56.29        mickey|office   fsotdld will basically incorporate all location 
13:56.53        mickey|office   pabs3: it looks like there will be an overlap
13:57.20        JaMa    mickey|office: ah so "UBX NEMA" is name of protocol we 
get from our chip?
13:57.34        mickey|office   JaMa: UBX5 or NMEA, yes
13:57.38        mickey|office   or UBX4
13:57.41        mickey|office   dunno offhand
13:58.07        JaMa    mickey|office: ok thanks
13:58.30        mickey|office   sascha wessel (author of fso-gpsd) once put up 
a nice RFC of a location provider protocol
13:58.36        mickey|office   i'm leaning towards using that
13:58.43        mickey|office   or make it compatible with geoclue
13:59.01        mickey|office   but last time we made a protocol compatible 
with something, that something was more or less abandonded ;)
14:00.09        mickey|office   the choice to support gypsy made sense at the 
14:00.14        mickey|office   but the outcome was a horrible protocol
14:00.21        mickey|office   very undbuslike
14:00.30        mickey|office   this time i want to make it better
14:00.52        lindi-  mickey|office: gpsd protocol changed btw
14:01.10        lindi-  mickey|office: support for old protocol will be dropped 
this year
14:01.28        lindi-  meanwhile it will support both (and autodetect)
14:02.11        lindi-  the one-letter commands are finally gone for good :)
14:03.09        mickey|office   awesome :)
14:03.20        mickey|office   ya, we definitely want a gspd protocol plugin 
for tdld
14:03.34        JaMa    I'm just reading what mqy (author of omgps said), 
because he had parsers for all 3 protocols, so maybe it would be easy to 
convert with help of his code 

     - don't use this if you don't know what are you doing :) and if you do, 
expect rebase almost every day

uin:136542059                jid:martin.ja...@gmail.com
Jansa Martin                 sip:jama...@voip.wengo.fr 

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