Hi all,

Does anybody know if NWA is still being developed? According to the page on the 
OpenMoko Wiki (http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/NWA) it seems that it was more 
like a proof of concept.

Was it replaced by something else?

I really like the concept of it (love it, actually) but not being able to 
connect to WEP "secured" networks is not that great. I cannot find any sources 
for it. The Subversion host mentioned in the binary package 
(svn://svn.noko.dnsalias.org/;module=nwa;proto=https) seems to be non-existant 
(I don't get a reply from svn.noko.dnsalias.org) and the homepage

> http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/noko/index.php?title=Main_Page

(if that's the one) doesn't mention nwa at all.

Thanks for any pointers,
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