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Am 15.03.2010 08:16, schrieb Dr. Michael Lauer:
> Well, former Openmoko CEO of marketing always said there is one state 
> file to rule them all - does that hold no longer?
It was never like this. I always hat do edit the state-files. Even the
micvolume in the state-files in the newest SHR-unstable is much to
loud, so that the person on the other side hears loude noise. When I
turn the micvolume down to 86 then (s)he can hear me good. (I have
Buzz-Fix done by Nikolaus).

Greetungs Bastian
> Cheers,
> :M:
> Am 15.03.2010 um 06:45 schrieb "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller"
>  >:
>> Am 14.03.2010 um 23:42 schrieb Ben Wilson:
>>>>>> Just my two cents. I think at this point distributions' defaults
>>>>>> should be towards A7 users, since all new users are anyway A7 
>>>>>> users
>>>>>> and A5/A6 owners by now are surely aware of the ALSA setting
>>>>>> problematics.
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> If it really depends on the Ax model I think they should be somehow
>>>>> distinguished by /proc/cpuinfo so if different ALSA settings are
>>>>> needed,
>>>>> they should be selected automatically based on that.
>>>> It would be a big help. Totally agree.
>>> It's a good idea, but how would it get the info about which Ax 
>>> version
>>> the user has.
>>> Even if the A(x) manufactured version is detecable in software I
>>> doubt a
>>> home modified A(x) to A(x+1) is.
>>> It would really need to be user specified.
>> Yes, there is no chance to detect it aitomatically.
>> But there could be a nice Settings GUI:
>> Base Model                  A5/A6/A7
>> Buzz-Fix                        O YES  O NO
>> #1024-Fix                     O YES  O NO
>> Bass-Fix                        O YES  O NO
>> Maybe, FSO could support the underlaying "database"?
>> Nikolaus
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