Hi Marcus,

I guess with those prerequisites I won't make any geocaching submission soon
- while all the features are usable as long as you have obtained a GPX file
with all the data, the conversion to an sqlite3 db is done on the CLI with
(one call to) bash/python scripts.

Looking at gpxview [1], for example, I do not want to re-implement all that
again - and as that program now also compiles cleanly without any Maemo
dependancies on my desktop and also has maps support, there might no longer
be a point to patching TangoGPS. GPXView just is more specific and may
therefore well be the better tool for geocaching.

But thanks for the offer, I'll check my history for any other patches I got
queued and come back to you,


[1] https://vcs.maemo.org/viewvc/trunk/?root=gpxview

> before it gets lost in all the other discussions: I'd still be happy to
> integrate this.
> Remarks:
>  * it must be usable for people that have not signed for the 30$
>   premium account
>  * everything must work from the user interface, command line is not an
>   option
>  * no python dependency - you can use either libsoup or libcurl
> Send me your last working tarball and I'll have a look and make
> suggestions or give you a hand.
> Marcus
> On Mon, 12 Apr 2010 09:46:46 +0200
> Stefan Fröbe <frob...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > as I recently struggled with the same issues I'd like to comment on
> > some of the suggestions
> > On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 1:19 AM, Joshua Judson Rosen
> > <roz...@geekspace.com>wrote:
> >
> > > ...
> >
> > Most importantly: How should I keep up with work that you're doing
> > > upstream between releases? Maintaining the patches that I use is
> > > vital to me, and it's harder to do that if I have no idea where
> > > you're going upstream--if I have no idea what's going to change out
> > > from under me with the next release.
> >
> >
> > I can only second that - I ported my geocaching enhancements from
> > version to version, but am becoming more and more reluctant to do so
> > with every new release. Any public repository would be helpful in
> > distributing and maintaining these features, even if they wouldn't be
> > included immediately in any official release.
> >
> > As I said, I *do* really *like* tangoGPS--I owe you a big thanks for
> > > giving me a good base application on which to build!
> >
> >
> > I could not agree more - and yet I'd really appreciate it if the full
> > potential of community driven enhancements would also be available.
> > In the current state, my features collect virtual dust on my HD and
> > will probably never ever see a release, with chances decreasing as I
> > loose interest in developing them further with all the burdens of
> > porting and adapting.
> >
> > I can fully understand Marcus' focus on quality, and TangoGPS is a
> > great result of that approach - but still I hope that someday a
> > reasonable public access is possible with his help instead of forking.
> >
> > Stefan
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